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About Us & The Farm


Graham & Ruth Eggins moved to Bryher in September 2015 with their 3 children, Sam, Lizzie & Martha. Hillside is a small mixed farm continuing the tradition of growing delicious fresh fruit and vegetables, rearing our own cattle, keeping free range hens for eggs and bees for honey. At the same time striving to create a diverse habitat rich in wildlife. We work closely with the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust and have been inspired by the nature friendly, regenerative agriculture movement to create a farm that nourishes and sustains its wildlife as well as being productive. Our farm may appear a little wild around its edges but this is just how we, and the diverse and growing population of wildlife love it to be. 


Our vegetables and fruit are grown on the farm and picked early every day to ensure that the produce on the stall is at its freshest. We do not use pesticides on any of our crops, and follow a minimal dig philosophy, allowing wild flowers, grasses and nature to live alongside us.


Our cattle are North Devon cattle, a traditional breed, known for their gentle temperaments and hardiness making them perfect cattle for Bryher. They are conservation grazers, causing minimal damage to land whilst encouraging diverse species habitats, we use a rotation system of grazing that promotes diverse grasslands so you will see our cattle moving from area to area regularly. We sell our beef from our farm stall.  


Our hens lead an idyllic lifestyle, with no predators on Bryher, they live out all the time producing wonderfully tasty eggs. We collect and sort the eggs by hand daily and these are available to buy from our farm stall.


In 2017 we purchased our first beehive and started a colony of Black Bees from Tresco Abby gardens, we now have a growing population of hives. The introduction of these native bees will help with the pollination of our crops and the wildflowers of Bryher and produce fabulous honey which we sell to Veronica Farm Fudge for their delicious Bryher Honey Fudge. 


We are very excited to tell you about our new business, Scilly Chilli, established 2021. We have always grown chillies here at Hillside Farm and sold them to visitors either as fresh chillies or as Ruth's delicious Chilli Jam.  We now grow over 1000 (give or take a few) plants and make lots of great products which make local treats for you during your stay or fantastic gifts to take home. You can order these online to be posted to you anywhere in the UK, please head to for more details and to purchase them,.


Ruth also produces and sells printed cards inspired by the coast and sea around Bryher. Her hand painted cards are then printed for you to buy from the farm stall or at Bryher Shop.

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